The esteemed Hindu spiritual leader, Guru Shri Dhirendra Krishna Shastri ji, popularly known as Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, is set to grace New Zealand with his presence. Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, the Peethadhishwar of the renowned Bageshwar Dham in Chhatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh, India, will organise a Divya Darbar for his followers and two days of event in Auckland at the Auckland Trust Arena on August 3rd, Saturday and August 4th, Sunday, according to event promoter Richard Kumar.
Bageshwar Dham Sarkar has gained immense popularity in recent years for providing spiritual guidance and solutions to his followers through his divine powers. Despite having no formal education beyond school, his profound knowledge of Hindu scriptures and his reputed attainment of divine powers through penance (Sadhanas) have earned him a global following. Over the past few years, he has traveled worldwide to assist his followers in overcoming their challenges.
Born on July 4, 1996, in Gada village of Chhatarpur district to Saroj Garg and Ram Kripal Garg, Dhirendra Shastri faced a deprived childhood marked by poverty. As a child, he would beg for alms in nearby villages while narrating stories. Today, at 28 years old, he is a confident and charismatic young man, well-versed in Hindu scriptures, and has healed tens of thousands of people worldwide.
Shri Dhirendra Shastri ji is renowned not only for healing physical ailments but also for providing solutions to material problems. As a disciple of the respected Hindu scholar and Guru Shri Ram Bhadracharya, known for his teachings on Ram Charit Manas and Shiv Purana, Dhirendra Shastri has become a prominent advocate for the Hindu cause. He openly calls for India to be declared a Hindu Rashtra, reflecting the division of the country on religious grounds 77 years ago. His stance has garnered support from many Hindu communities who believe there should be a nation dedicated to the billion followers of the Hindu faith.
A charming and dynamic figure, Dhirendra Shastri is heavily involved in uplifting poor communities. He regularly organizes community kitchens, called Annapurna, at Chhatarpur Dham and uses his blessings to heal people. Over the past few years, he has also organized mass marriages for destitute individuals, providing them with gifts after the ceremonies. He is establishing Vedic Gurukulas for young disciples and helping poor Hindus return to their faith after being lured into conversions by missionary groups. This work has made him a target for several missionary groups and churches in the region.
The preparation for the arrival of Bageshwar Dham Sarkar is in full swing.
For more information about the event, please contact
Promoter: Richard Kumar +64278281331
ETV Chairperson Shadna Nand +6421742360
Supporters and Volunteers:
Dhirendra Chand +6421 527140
Tanya +64211598016
Anil Sharma +64211506022
Pundit Ashish +64210666763
Pundit Upendra Joshi +642040657879
Soni +64274766454
Pundit Niraj +64225078627
Usha +64210730829
Craig Simonds +642894536
Free Tickets can be registered here:
The event location:
65-67 Central Park Drive, Henderson
Auckland, 0610
Sewa opportunities:
Make Donations to support the event: Click here
Be a volunteer in the event: Click here
Sponsor and get advertised in the event: Click here
For further details contact:
Richard Kumar, 0278281331,